Ultrasound For the Whole Family
Click on a Banner below to see specific categories of Ultrasounds we Provide

A Physician Referral or Order is required prior to doing a Medical Ultrasound
"Heart Ultrasound"
Echocardiograms are an Ultrasound of the Heart. This is a test that evaluates the chambers of the heart, valves, heart muscle and blood flow within the heart
Pelvic-GYN Ultrasound
We perform both Pelvic Transabdominal and Pelvic Transvaginal ultrasounds. These studies (TA or TV) can be ordered independently or done together in a complete exam. The TA portion requires full bladder.
Pelvic TA - more INFO >>>
Pelvic TV- more INFO >>>
Vein (Venous) Ultrasound
Venous Doppler or Venous Duplex ultrasounds are performed if a blood clot or circulation issue is suspected. We perform both arm venous and leg venous studies. More INFO >>>>
Carotid Artery Ultrasound
Carotid Arteries are located in your neck on both RT and LT sides. This ultrasound evaluates the blood flow to your brain through the carotid vessels which have branches that feed your brain, tongue, eyes, face etc.
Artery (Arterial) Ultrasound
Artery or Arterial ultrasounds are performed on both arms or legs to evaluate the the blood flow that goes to a specific limb or area.
More INFO>>>
Transplant Ultrasound
Transplant Ultrasounds that we perform are for Liver and kidney transplants. Anatomy of the new organ and blood flow is evaluated.
Abdominal Doppler More INFO>>>
Fertility-Follicular Ultrasound
Fertility patients often get ultrasound to assess the uterus and ovaries for follicle or cyst development. Picture Perfect Ultrasound works with many fertility clinics to provide this necessary testing whenever a patient needs it.
Abdomen Ultrasound
Abdomen Ultrasound includes evaluation of the Liver, Gallbladder, Kidneys, Pancreas, Spleen and Bile Ducts.
This is a Fasting ultrasound requiring an 8 hour fast.
Thyroid Ultrasound
The thyroid lies in the lower neck and has a RT/Midline/LT gland portion. No prep for this exam.
OB Ultrasound (Pregnancy)
Picture Perfect Ultrasound performs pregnancy, Obstetric ultrasounds for all trimesters; first, second & third trimester. Depending on what stage of pregnancy will determine if it is done on top of belly or Transvaginally.
Abdominal Doppler Ultrasound
Abdomen Doppler ultrasounds evaluate different blood vessels that feed or bring blood to certain organs in the belly. We perform all types of abdominal doppler and evaluate many types of organs. More INFO>>>
Groin Ultrasound
Groin Ultrasounds are performed to evaluate for lymph nodes, hernia or other inguinal lumps.
Bladder Ultrasound
Bladder Ultrasounds are performed with a full bladder and then after voiding, the bladder is reassessed to determine if there is an post void residual. More INFO>>>
Elective Gender Reveal Ultrasound
We begin our Gender Reveal Elective Ultrasounds starting at 17 weeks pregnant and beyond. This is a 2D (B/W) ultrasound to find out the gender of your baby, see baby move and hear the heartbeat. More INFO>>>
Kidney Ultrasound
Kidney or Renal ultrasounds are routinely performed. In some cases depending on clinical history, blood flow to the kidneys are assessed.
More INFO>>>
Testicular Ultrasound
Scrotal or Testicular ultrasounds are performed very often on men to evaluate the testicles, epididymis, scrotum and surrounding structures. No prep for this exam.
Biophysical Profile Ultrasound
(Fetal Wellbeing)
Fetal wellbeing or Biophysical profile assessments are usually done in the third trimester but can be performed as needed in the second. We evaluate for fluid, breathing, fetal tone and fetal movement as well as placenta.
Soft Tissue Ultrasound
Soft Tissue ultrasound is for evaluating muscle, fat, tendon or ligaments, palpable lumps, injury related masses etc. in various parts of the body.
Hernia Ultrasound
Hernia ultraounds are performed in various areas of the body. Most commonly the middle of the belly around belly button, the groin and pubic areas. More INFO>>>
Aorta Ultrasound
Aorta Ultrasounds evaluate the main artery in our body core midline that brings blood to organs and legs. This test helps rule out AAA or abdominal aortic aneurysms. More INFO >>>
Elective 2D-3D-4D Ultrasound Packages
This elective ultrasound session includes 2D (b/w) and 3D-4D ultrasounds. We begin these sessions starting from 17 weeks until 32 weeks pregnant. For more details go to the Elective Ultrasound packages page.

All ultrasounds done at Picture Perfect Ultrasound are performed by Ultrasound Specialists (Sonographers) that are registered and credentialed with ARDMS or RCIS-RCS