Picture Perfect Ultrasound is a premiere ACR Accredited Ultrasound imaging center providing quality care and imaging for patients coming from Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Idaho
Having a 3D/4D Ultrasound is never meant to replace the diagnostic ultrasound/fetal anatomy survey a pregnant patient should have between 18 to 22 weeks gestation.
If you are choosing to have an “elective” ultrasound to see your unborn child, we would be happy to provide that service for you! Because we have ARDMS registered Sonographers performing all ultrasounds at Picture Perfect, you can feel confident that our experienced staff will do their best to make your imaging session as memorable as possible.
We know that life is a miracle and seeing your baby is a momentous occasion, we welcome you to bring your family, friends or significant others to join you in your 3D/4D session.
We do have big screen TV’s allowing everyone in the room a GREAT view!
Take Home Your Baby's Heartbeat in a card or stuffed animal!
Our 3D/4D Ultrasound packages are considered “Elective”, which means that these types of exams are done by patient request. Insurance will not cover electives because they are not medically necessary and no physician order is needed. making them not covered by insurance and therefore performed on a cash or credit card basis.
Picture Perfect Ultrasound does perform 2D, 3D and 4D Imaging.
In recent years due to requests by pregnant moms-to-be, 3D/4D Ultrasound has been used in conjunction with or beyond the normal diagnostic OB Ultrasound exam a patient should have to screen for normal fetal anatomy.
If you have not had a diagnostic ultrasound of your pregnancy yet, we do recommend that you have one done prior to doing any type of elective ultrasounds. If you would like Picture Perfect Ultrasound to perform your diagnostic ultrasound exam, no matter your gestational age, we can do so with a physician order.
Picture Perfect Ultrasound requires every patient that chooses to have an elective 2D, 3D or 4D Ultrasound performed to sign a medical waiver stating that this exam is being performed by patient request and will not replace the care of a physician or be performed in lieu of diagnostic ultrasound evaluations. A physician script or approval note from your physician to acknowledge your desire to have an elective ultrasound performed is desired, although not required.
Ultrasound is an amazing technology that has many applications. Primarily a diagnostic imaging tool, Ultrasound is used to observe, diagnose and assist in the treatment of many health conditions. However, with the advent of dimensional technologies, Ultrasound has expanded beyond the traditional 2D (two dimensional) and now is capable of 3D and 4D applications.
3D Ultrasound offers a three dimensional static or stationary view of the fetus. However, the latest dimension in Ultrasound is called 4D (Four Dimensional). 4D Ultrasound offers a real-time look into the womb where fetal movement can be seen and where real physical features are seen in amazing clarity if the baby is in ideal position.
Please Note: Our staff at Picture Perfect Ultrasound will make every effort to get you desirable 3D/4D images to take home. However, ultrasound is highly dependent on the baby’s position and having a cooperative baby is essential! The amniotic fluid around your baby, the gestational age of your pregnancy and your maternal body shape can all affect how well we can image in 3D/4D. If your baby does not cooperate during the exam and fetal position inhibits us from seeing face or other important structures, you will be given one more chance to return within 1 weeks time for a re-try scan.
Picture Perfect Ultrasound is a premiere dedicated ACR Accredit Ultrasound imaging center providing quality care and imaging for patients coming from Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Idaho. We've even seen patients come from as far as Texas!
Picture Perfect Ultrasound is located in Billings Montana. However, patients from all across our state come to see us for quality diagnostic ultrasound as well as elective 3D/4D Ultrasound. If you happen to be from out of town, we welcome you to choose Picture Perfect Ultrasound for your medical or elective ultrasound imaging!
Here is a list of some of the cities that patients have traveled from within Montana thus far:
Billings MT
Laurel MT
Park City MT
Columbus MT
Belgrade MT
Bozeman MT
Butte MT
Missoula MT
Great Falls MT
Miles City MT
Forsyth MT
Colstrip MT
Crow Agency MT
Hardin MT
Kalispell MT
Helena MT
Havre MT
Lodge Grass MT
Poplar MT
Big Timber MT
Browning MT
Sidney MT
Plentywood MT
Belgrade MT
Roundup MT
We have had patients travel from all over Montana, Wyoming, North & South Dakota!
Just beyond Montana are neighboring cities that send patients for our quality services. From North Dakota, so far patients travel from:
Minot ND
Williston ND
Bismark ND
Dickinson ND
Fargo ND
A lot of patients travel from Wyoming to receive medical care in Montana. We service patients from the smaller cities as well as the larger cities.
Casper WY
Gilettte WY
Buffalo WY
Sheridan WY
Cheyenne WY
throughout Wyoming